Thursday 18 April 2013

Engineering Curves

  1. Ellipse: Focus Directrix method, Arcs of circle method
  2. Parabola: Focus Directrix Method, Rectangle Method
  3. Hyperbola: Focus Directrix Metod, Rectangular Hyperbola
  4. Involutes: Simple planes upto six sides and circle
  5. Cycloid: Plane cycloid

  • Conic Sections:  

   The intersection of right circular cone by a cutting plane in different positions relative to the axis of the cone gives us various curves of intersections, known as conic sections.
  • Right Circular Cone:

The cone whose axis is perpendicular to the base and base of the cone is always circle that cone is called right circular cone.
  • Circle:

When the section plane is perpendicular to the axis or parallel to the base of the right circular cone, the section obtained is called circle.
  • Ellipse:

When the section plane is inclined to the axis and cuts all the generators on one side of the apex, the section obtained is called as an ellipse.

  •  Parabola:

When the section plane is inclined to the axis and is parallel to one of the generators, the section obtained is called as parabola.
  • Hyperbola:

When section plane is parallel to the axis and cuts the cone, the section obtained is called hyperbola.

Terminology used in conic sections:

Types of Lines